About Thuriah

Thuriah Medical Center was founded in the year 2001 with the vision of being the center of excellence in the provision of reproductive health care in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and indeed the whole of the Gulf region. The center is dedicated to the provision of highly specialized reproductive...


011 4079 999




244 Makkah Road in junction with Takhasosi street, next MBC channels, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Best Consultants In Reproductive Medicine

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Units & Services

The center provides integrated reproductive services

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Electronic Clinic

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Units & Services

About Thuriah

Thuriah Medical Center was founded in the year 2001 with the vision of being the center of excellence in the provision of reproductive health care in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and indeed the whole of the Gulf region. The center is dedicated to the provision of highly specialized reproductive health services by a highly qualified, experienced team enhanced by commitment and compassion to patients’ needs.

In December 2015 at the Oxford Summit of Leaders in Oxford, UK, Thuriah Medical Center was awarded the Best Medical Centre Award by Europe Business Assembly for the strong position in the national healthcare market, high quality medical services, national and international accreditation, certification, wide research base, professionalism, favourable patients’ reports, safety of treatment processes and focus on patients and their satisfaction.

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Dr. Hamad Ali Al Sufyan
Dr. Hamad Ali Al Sufyan
Infertility unit and assisted reproduction

Vice president of Saudi OB-GYn society (SOGS)President of Saudi Fertility Society (SFS)MBBS 1982 King Faisal University Dammam , Saudi Arabia ,FRCOG Royal College London , U.K.Subspecialty in Reproductive Medicine – IVF University of Bristol, U.K. August 1996,Consultant  obstetrics and gynecology in Thuriah Medical Center, King Faisal Specialist Hospital Consultant Reproductive...

Dr. Tariq Baghdadi
Dr. Tariq Baghdadi
Infertility unit and assisted reproduction

Specialty:Consultant in obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, IVF and minimal invasive surgery. and member of the French Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Member of the European Society of human reproduction and embryology. Qualifications:Fellowship in IVF and reproductive Medicine (France).European Fellowship...

Dr. Ghada Samir Ghourab
Dr. Ghada Samir Ghourab
Infertility unit and assisted reproduction

Consultant obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive medicineMRCOG, SBOG, ABOGConsultant obstetrics and gynecology & IVF & Recurrent abortion Clinic.Fellow ship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility from imperial NHS trost and KFSHRC.Member of the British Fertility society with certification in Assisted conception.Pelvic ultrasound.Embryo transfer / IUI.Worked in KFSHRC until 2012. ...

Dr. Fahad AlMashat
Dr. Fahad AlMashat
Male Reproductive Medicine & Sexual Health

Board certified and fellowship trained Urologist/Andrologist with an aim at a career in Male factor infertility and sexual dysfunction. EXPERIENCE ·         Head- Department of Urology Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Hospital-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia March 2017-Feb 2020 ·         Consultant Urologist/ Andrologist Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz...

Dr. Nashat Assaf
  • Dr. Nashat Assaf
  • Dr. Nouf AlAjaji
  • Dr. Sahar A. Lary, MD
  • Dr. Mona Aldossary
  • Dr. Fahad AlMashat
  • Dr. Tariq Baghdadi
  • Dr. Hamad Ali Al Sufyan
  • Professor Dr. Suliman Alnagashi
  • Dr. Houda Abo Shama
  • Dr. Ghada Samir Ghourab
  • Dr. Hind Mohammed Al- Ferdous
  • Dr. Sayed Mahmoud Barakat
  • Male
  • Female
Medical Section
  • Medical Section
  • Male Reproductive Medicine & Sexual Health
  • Maternity unit & care for the fetus
  • Reproductive endocrinology & infertility & IVF unit
  • Gynecology & Oncology unit
  • Infertility unit and assisted reproduction

*Registration deadline to request confirmation does not mean you have attic because it is linked to schedule doctor - seetm to call or send a text message to confirm the exact

  • Male
  • Female
Medical Section
  • Medical Section
  • Male Reproductive Medicine & Sexual Health
  • Maternity unit & care for the fetus
  • Reproductive endocrinology & infertility & IVF unit
  • Gynecology & Oncology unit
  • Infertility unit and assisted reproduction

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