PRIMARY MEDICAL DEGREE: MB.BCH of medicine and surgery/1985/ Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Master degree of Anaesthesiology/1990/ Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
MD degree of Anaesthesiology/1996/ Ain-Shams University Cairo, Egypt.
Have a full experience about all skills required for painless labour, neonatal resuscitation and neonatal surgery.
Master research in “Anesthesia for heart transplantation” (1988-1990).
Consultant Anesthesia In Thuriah Medical center .
Professor of Anesthesiology Ain-Shams University from march 2007 till now.
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Ain-Shams University from marsh 2002 till March 2007.
Consultant of Anesthesiology and ICU, Rashid general hospital, Hail, Saudi Arabia from January 2005 till 15/6/2007.
Consultant and ICU chief in King Fahd hospital Hafof (600 bed/20 ICU bed), Saudi Arabia, from July 2002 to July 2003.
Lecturer of Anesthesiology in Ain-Shams University from marsh1997 marsh 2002.
Assistant lecturer of Anesthesiology in Ain-Shams University from January 1991 till marsh1997.
Resident of Anesthesiology in Ain-Shams University Hospitals (6000 bed/ 120 OR) from October 1988 till January 1991.
Basic Life support course in King Kalid hospital, Hail KSA in Mayo 2005.
Management of post operative acute pain, In King Faisel hospital, Riyadh, KSA via telemedicine in May 2006.
shared in teaching courses and examination for postgradul students
preparing for master degree and diploma degree in anesthesia in Ain
Shams university faculty of medicine since 1997 till now.
shared in training courses for house officers and residents of
anesthesia in Ain Shams university faculty of medicine since 1990 till
I am a lecturer in Saudi Council for Health Specialties (SCFHS) CME program in KSA.